Friday, March 30, 2012

Audio stories

One thing we need to be doing as Christians is to be continually on the look out for new ideas and new ways in which we can use our skills to ensure that the Gospel of truth reaches more and more people.

Audio pod-casting is one of the new ways in which I'm using my creative talents to reach others with God's message. The aim is to share stories of what God is doing across the continent of Africa. There are many wonderful testimonies of change and breakthroughs that are taking place and which together will transform the nations of Africa.

You can go to our website now, listen to and download some of the testimonies that we've started to collect ( Learn how Water For Life is transforming communities with simple, easy methods for providing safe, clean water; or follow the steps of YWAM outreach teams as their venture into the far-flung areas of Kenya.

Send our podcasts to your friends, add links to them on your website, blog, twitter, Facebook etc. Join with us and together we can effectively spread the Gospel.

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