Friday, November 11, 2011

Missions Communication

I couldn't make it this year to the International Missions Communication training  in Colorado Springs, praying and looking forward to 2012.

Friday, July 1, 2011


We are faced with the fact to have to accept this time of transition and to see it as something God is doing. Transitions at times are painful but they come in their uniqueness by making someone step into a position that will further make him or her.
Now we have Peter Clemison as our new YWAM AfriCom Director. In this next few months, we feel God leading us to take stronger steps of faith as we look to serve Him in this continent. It's a big task that God has given us - to connect missionaries and ministries in Africa with one another and with the wider work of YWAM internationally, but I believe the He will give us the equipment to do what He has called us to do.
Our former leaders Timothy and Miranda Heathcote said farewell to AfriCom to a new plan in their ministry; my prayer for them is God should grant them the desires of their heart.
This new season has seen me too embracing more responsibilities, one of them being a new task of preparing broadcast of different articles that will go into our website that is coming up soon
As part of my responsibility with my team, there is a Vimeo blog that all of our video goes onto, I have to ensure with the help of the team to upload a video each month on the vimeo
To see this now go to

Friday, February 11, 2011


This week it has been so great to meet Tom Bloomer the National Provost of the University of the Nations. I had the opportunity to interview him for the first time. Looking at how YWAM, and the University of the Nations, is so decentralised in a way that you meet with people in authority and they are so down to earth in friendly – not compared to other organisations that you can’t even get closer to their leaders in any way. Humility I see is one among many ways YWAM is treading new ground that will move it to greater heights. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New plan

As I heard about my moving to join the African Communications Team in South Africa – YWAM AfriCom. I prayed and planned to move. I knew my journey was going to be a journey of faith, moving to a country I have never been before and without knowing what awaited me. I moved with no money to take care of myself but God, whose calling I follow, always makes at least some provision ahead of time for his people. I am still trusting God for my rent to be paid each month; the Lord is still faithful. Last year in December was a time for me to seek Gods face through prayer and fasting for more vision and strength on how I can move ahead without seeing my physical needs as a barrier. I am now editing the English version of the Angola Video which will complete this project. I will then be picking up on planning a trip in May to Marromeu in Mozambique, hopefully to go and shoot a documentary alongside a promotional video for the YWAM base there.
Please keep me in your prayers.

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