We are faced with the fact to have to accept this time of transition and to see it as something God is doing. Transitions at times are painful but they come in their uniqueness by making someone step into a position that will further make him or her.
Now we have Peter Clemison as our new YWAM AfriCom Director. In this next few months, we feel God leading us to take stronger steps of faith as we look to serve Him in this continent. It's a big task that God has given us - to connect missionaries and ministries in Africa with one another and with the wider work of YWAM internationally, but I believe the He will give us the equipment to do what He has called us to do.
Our former leaders Timothy and Miranda Heathcote said farewell to AfriCom to a new plan in their ministry; my prayer for them is God should grant them the desires of their heart.
This new season has seen me too embracing more responsibilities, one of them being a new task of preparing broadcast of different articles that will go into our website that is coming up soon www.ywamafricom.org
As part of my responsibility with my team, there is a Vimeo blog that all of our video goes onto, I have to ensure with the help of the team to upload a video each month on the vimeo
To see this now go to www.vimeo.com/africom